Today's readings are hard-edged, clear, uncompromising. No comfortable ambiguity. No "ifs, ands or buts," as my mother used to say.
My habit when I encounter readings like these is to think first of all the people I know who ought to read and heed them. It is so easy to become lost in finger-pointing and blame-placing.
Fortunately, I eventually get around to realizing how much the readings apply to me. They are not about condemning one or another group -- they are about taking stock of my behavior in light of the word of God. These seemingly harsh words are about the ragged edges of life, the places where I encounter God, the places where my choices make a difference in the lives of others.
There is a cliche about walking the walk instead of talking the talk. What comes after I say I am a Christian, a follower of Jesus? How and why do I say that, and what difference does it make in my life? Today's readings offer some fairly obvious clues.
The messages take on a particular clarity during Lent.
"Make justice your aim: redress the wronged, hear the orphan's plea, defend the widow."
Isaiah has a talent for keeping it simple. And could anything be more straightforward than the words of Jesus?
". . . you have but one father in Heaven."
In the end, what at first appears to be a harsh challenge is in reality a gentle invitation to allow faith, compassion and kindness to rule my days.
How could I ask for more?