Daily Reflection
April 12th, 1999
Rev. Richard J. Gabuzda
Institute for Priestly Formation
Acts 4:23-31
John 3:1-8

Every once in a while we run across people who have what seems to be an inexhaustible amount of energy; with some envy we may say, “Where do they get all that energy from?”

On another level, we know of others who seem to have an extraordinary dedication, an unfailing kindness, goodness, charity.  There are those whose faith is so deep and ordinary, the kind of people we delight in being near.  Where does all this come from?

In light of today’s scripture, the answer to that question is, to begin with:  “It certainly does not come from themselves.”  Or, in the words of John’s gospel, “No one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.”  That is, the power of faith, of love, of extraordinary dedication comes from God’s Spirit dwelling deep within people.

The Acts of the Apostles repeats over and over again, supported by abundant evidence, that the early believers were not propelled by themselves:  “They were filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak God’s word with confidence.”

And we who are their spiritual descendants—do we live “by the Spirit?  Are we conscious today that “something more” is at work within and around us?  Do we pray, work and act by consciously acknowledging the Holy Spirit as our source of energy?

A traditional prayer may help:  Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.  Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created; and you shall renew the face of the earth!

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