Daily Reflection
April 13th, 1999
John Horn, S.J.
Institute for Priestly Formation
Acts 4:32-37
John 3:7-15

“None of them claimed anything as his own; rather everything was held in common.  With power the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.”

When we know in poverty of spirit that everything is a gift, our hearts begin again to taste Jesus’ love alive.  This love penetrates basic fears surrounding our ownership of things.

Are we anything apart from what we own and possess?  In our real poverty of spirit, our nothingness, without property, homes, cars, titles, computers and brand name clothes, what are we?

The resurrected Jesus as Love tells us.  We are daughters and sons of Abba, children of God.  Tasting the reality of this spiritual inheritance frees us to want to be nothing more because accompanying this spiritual tasting is always the knowledge that this love alone is all that we really need.  It gives us a sense that everything is already ours and that everything is to be used for the common good, promoting faith in Jesus.  We find ourselves living, in a very real sense, like the first apostles.  Claiming nothing as our own, we desire only to be more rooted in our spiritual inheritance.  To be possessed by Jesus’ Risen Spirit is to be truly free from anything owning us except Love.  What an utterly amazing gift!  Does anything I have need to be given away to bear witness to Christ’s glory alive?  What would serve the common good?  How can I promote the mission of the Church inviting others into tasting this same love and freedom?

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