The Psalmist echoes this trust theme from Genesis. “Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing”.
The story from Matthew is one of those where all I can do is scratch my head. You know how some stories don’t end the way you expect them to? Or someone reacts just the opposite of how you would expect them to react? This is one of those stories. Christ comes upon two men possessed by demons. He casts the demons out, the demons go into a herd of swine and the pigs rush into the sea and drown. Witnesses run into town and report what has happened. The whole town comes out and when they see Jesus.... they plead with him to leave. What?!? The Son of God shows up, performs a great miracle and you’re concerned about some pigs? What the heck is wrong with these people? However, on second thought, I wonder how much I’m like the towns people. How often does the Holy Spirit nudge me and I ignore it? “The pig business is just fine right now, please leave me alone”. I would hope that I would be more open to God’s guidance than the towns people in the story, but I wonder. Recently, a niece who graduated from high school asked me if I feared death. I gave the pat “no, I’m a Christian” answer and then became frustrated when she questioned further. In retrospect, I feel God opened a door for me about as wide as He could, but my own doubts and fears kept me from stepping through. My hope is that I have not closed the door completely on my niece and another opportunity will be presented. My prayer today would be that I would be open to God’s guidance and that I would trust in God’s promises enough to step through the doors that He opens.