Daily Reflection
September 22nd, 1999
Steve Kline
Public Relations
Ezra 9:5-9
Luke 9:1-6

"So they set out and went from village to village, spreading the good news
everywhere and curing diseases."  (Luke 9:6)

Let's see.  I have six voice mail messages and a dozen e-mails waiting.  I have a citation to write, five stories for the upcoming magazine to proof, a budget report to complete, an advertising plan to review, a presentation to prepare, a script to read . . .

At home:  Materials to buy for the front porch project, social studies and math reviews with my oldest daughter (spelling, too), dishes to wash and clothes to fold, rooms to clean, bedtime books to be read . . .

Jesus shows up in the middle of all this, telling his disciples to proclaim the kingdom and heal the sick.  You have the authority, he tells them.  Go.  Now.

What could this possibly have to do with me?  What if Jesus asked me to do such a thing?

You mean just drop everything?  Shouldn't I take . . . ?

Go.  Now.  Proclaim the kingdom.  Heal the sick.

But what if . . . ?

Go.  Proclaim the kingdom.  Heal the sick.  Take one coat, and your faith.

And turn the world upside down:

Walk right up to that person who has been bashing you behind your back and bless him, love him.

Offer a word of gentle praise or encouragement to that person who takes every opportunity to let you know how little she thinks of you.

Proclaim the kingdom.  Heal the sick.

Jump at the opportunity to keep your mouth shut when the gossip starts.

Proclaim the kingdom.

Speak unabashedly of your faith over lunch with a business associate.

Heal the sick.

Take time out from your crowded, overscheduled day to be with a hurting child.

Look at your agenda for today.

Ask yourself how many of those urgent items are going to make a difference on the day that you die.

Proclaim the kingdom.

Heal the sick.

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