Daily Reflection
October 14th, 1999
John Horn, S.J.
Institute for Priestly Formation
Romans 3:21-30
Luke 11:47-54 

“…since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, they are justified by his grace as a gift…”

How do we get-right-with-God?  We look as squarely as we can at life’s circumstances and come in contact with our blessed weakness, our real inability to do anything to save ourselves from the incredible depths of fear that are part of seeing the vulnerability of life.  Then we can begin to gain true self-knowledge.  We begin to know ourselves as powerless and we begin to see our attitudes about that powerlessness.

What can develop and unfold, if we turn to God in Jesus, is a real sense of the Holy Spirit’s presence caring for us, carrying us in and through our human weakness!  It is here that our hearts ache infinitely for more love while simultaneously running away in fear from ourselves as vulnerable and powerless.

Whenever we do not turn to God in Jesus, and promote attitudes that have us reject our human vulnerability and basic weakness, the place of relationship with and communion in the Holy Spirit, we reject ourselves in Christ!

This is more serious and deadly then any form of cancer.  Sin kills the human soul while cancer can only kill what is temporal.

We get-right-with-God each day when we admit our thoughts and feelings about our complete powerlessness.  As we place ourselves in and with Jesus’ human weakness, Jesus’ powerlessness at the cross, we can begin to taste a share in the Holy Spirit’s strength and caring.  Then the Father’s Spirit prays in us, blesses us and calms every fear.

We can hate ourselves for being afraid and so vulnerable or we can end up boasting of our weakness in Christ filled with joy!  As we taste the strong love of God rescuing us amid human fears, we come to know ourselves anew as loved sinners.  What an amazing gift it is to be able to be with Jesus’ human weakness, Jesus’ human fears!  In Him we can find the Holy Spirit’s strong loving.  This makes all the difference!     

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