Daily Reflection
November 9th, 1999
Eden Foord
Campus Ministry
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Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12
Psalm 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9
1 Corinthians 3:9-11, 16-17
John 2:13-22

We Are Sacred & Holy

I appreciate how the daily scripture readings chosen by the Church cycle around.  Each time they come around we have the potential to gain new insights from the scriptures.  Today’s readings are speaking about temples and holy places.  How fitting since it is the feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of St. John Lateran, the first publicly consecrated basilica in Christendom.  The Basilica was built in Rome by Constantine and consecrated by Pope St. Sylvester on November 9, 324 A.D.  The Lateran Basilica is also called the Basilica of Our Savior and is the parish church of the pope. 

Paul states that we too are temples of the Holy Spirit.  We’ve heard that many times, but what does that mean to our daily lives.  Some answers are revealed in today’s readings.  In Ezekiel we read about a vision of new life flowing from God’s temple.  As temples, does God’s life also flow from us bringing new life to those around us?  Does God also use us as nourishment for those in need, and can God’s living water be seen by the fruits of our lives?

The psalmist states that God is our refuge and strength and Paul rephrases that thought as Jesus as our foundation.  Is this really true?  Do you turn to God in those turbulent times of your life to find safety in God’s protection?  Do you find a firm foundation in Jesus when the world seems to be pressing in on all sides?  Yes, God is there for us in a very real way.  Yes, it is true that God protects and strengthens us.  Speak to any believer who has experienced the trials of life, and you will hear about a God who is present and active.

The gospel presents the scene of Jesus clearing out the temple.  I wonder if Jesus does similar things with us as temples?  Does he overturn the attachments and smash the lies that tend to creep into our lives?  If Jesus is our foundation, then it would reason that he is active making us into holy places for the Spirit to reside.  Just think if we recognize each other as sacred temples.  Wouldn’t that change how we interact with each other?  That irritable “so-and-so” would turn into God’s sacred place.  It’s hard to imagine those difficult people in life as God’s holy dwelling.  Can that really be true?  Can God’s glory be disguised in human weakness?  Is the Sacred One really alive in those that persecute us?  God give us the eyes to see you present in those we believe to be the least likely temples in our lives.

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