Daily Reflection
November 10th, 1999
Rev. Rich Gabuzda
University College
Click here for a photo of and information on this writer.
Wisdom 6:1-11 
Psalm 82:3-4, 6-7 
Luke 17:11-19 

Wisdom 6, 1-11  

       “Desire therefore my words; long for them and you shall be instructed.”  

This passage from the book of Wisdom opens with a long exhortation addressed to kings, magistrates and princes of all the earth.  They are exhorted to seek Wisdom, that practical knowledge of how God’s ways fit into the everyday realities of life—to know God’s “take” on all of the situations and events of daily living.  How are they to acquire this Wisdom?  The passage answers clearly and directly:  “Desire . . . my words; long for them and you shall be instructed.”  

Curiously, the passage assures the hearers that if Wisdom is sought, desired, longed for, it will be acquired, given.  Is that really all it takes?  Just wanting, just desiring?  

St. Augustine spoke often about the importance of “desire.”  He went so far as to say, “The desire of your heart is itself your prayer.  And if the desire is constant, so is your prayer.”  We might say simply that what we want, what we desire is important because God is at work in our desires.  

So the question becomes, do we really want Wisdom?  Do we really desire to have God’s “take” on our daily life?  Or do we view this as a bit of an intrusion (like just one more person looking over my shoulder, telling me what to do)?  

What do you/I really want?  “Desire my words; long for them and you shall be instructed.”  

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