Daily Reflection
May 5th, 2000
Tom Schloemer, S.J.
Career and Academic Planning
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Acts 5:34-42
Psalms 27:1, 4, 13-14
John 6:1-15

In looking at the daily readings, I think there is a tendency to focus on the Gospel reading.  Today it is the first reading that captures my attention.  The first readings during the Easter season are taken from the Acts of the Apostles.  These selections are filled with the enthusiasm and zeal of the emerging Church.

Today’s passage provides a wealth of reflection.  The speaker is thought to be Gamaliel, a celebrated teacher of the law who instructed Paul.  His advice to the Sanhedrin is wonderfully sound, namely, don’t act quickly, recall other examples, take note that God’s will shall be done.

This call to openness is also operative in the Gospel reading.  Jesus directs the disciples to get the people to recline.  Jesus invites the vast crowd to a simple meal, a symbol of the Eucharist to which we are invited.  An invitation can be accepted or declined.  Openness is necessary for acceptance.

Openness to the various invitations extended us by Jesus, the reaching out to persons and situations in our lives, can be difficult.  There may be vulnerability and risk involved.  I can play it safe if I want, but the reward for openness, for trusting in God and taking the leap, is growth.  It is a growth in faith, in my relationship with God which results in growth in my relationships with others and within myself.  I can play it safe, but I may look back regretfully and wonder about what might have been.

Thus Gamaliel was asking for openness, a trusting in God.  Wonderful advice indeed

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