Acts 8:1-8
Psalms 66:1-7 John 6:35-40 “The members of the church who had been dispersed went about preaching the word. Philip, for example went down to the town of Samaria and there proclaimed the Messiah.”
This statement reminds us of our call to preach and to proclaim Jesus as the Messiah. Surely we all have or will have opportunities to speak publicly, to teach or to share a practical story in faith. These words from Scripture act upon us to encourage us. Relying on the Holy Spirit, alive in our hearts and in the heart of the Church, we need not shy away from opportunities to preach and proclaim Jesus’ living presence so desiring to be our food and our everyday nourishment. Our silent words, however, preach most effectively the words that
we speak and radiate by the manner in which we live. There is a beautiful
prayer written by Cardinal John Henry Newman and popularized by Mother
Theresa that expresses my own hopes and a powerful spirituality of the
Word becoming flesh in us. It provides in itself an amazing reflection.
Let’s make it our own prayer: