Daily Reflection
August 9th, 2000
Eileen Wirth
Journalism Department
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Jeremiah 31:1-7
Jeremiah 31:10-13
Matthew 15:21-28

What fun today’s readings are!  They almost sing and invite us to do the same.  Their message is one which all of us need constantly:  that if we believe and hope in God, even in the worst of times, there’s a brighter day ahead.

These readings resonate deeply with me because two years ago, I was almost sinking from a difficult family situation.  When things were at their worst, I went to Mass one Sunday and heard a homily that helped me get through the next couple of rocky months.  Life consists of a cycle of deaths and resurrections, the priest said.  Whenever we experience a “death,” we can cope, knowing that a “resurrection” of some sort will follow. 

Miraculously enough, this happened.  Our “death cycle” ended and our crisis situation slowly resolved itself.  Today, things seem to be going very well.  One day recently, if someone had handed me a “festive tambourine,” I probably would have walked down the main Creighton mall banging it, “shouting with joy for Jacob.” 

When we are facing a terribly difficult family problem and God seems to be turning a deaf ear to our prayers, we may feel like the woman in the Gospel must have felt when Jesus mocked her.  It still seems somewhat insensitive but the lesson of the story is clear.  Jesus was testing her faith.  In the long run, she got what she needed for her family.  But it wasn’t easy.  She had to persevere in faith and petition.  There were no guarantees.  God works in mysterious ways.  What seems horrible may even work out for the best. 

If you are in the midst of some sort of “death cycle,” take heart from today’s readings.  Remember the lovely line from the hymn “Be Not Afraid”  “Blessed are those who weep and mourn for one day they will laugh.”  It may take awhile, but you probably will – eventually. 

If you’ve come through such an experience, take a few minutes to savor your joy.  Don’t just take it for granted.  Thank God and any people who helped you when things were at their worst.  Let them know about the turnaround.  Hug a child.  Phone a lonely friend.  Go on a walk and enjoy nature.  Celebrate the goodness of God and His creation. 

You probably will experience another “death cycle” sometime but maybe you’ll cope better.  You’ve  learned that one way or another if you have “great faith, your wish will come to pass.” 

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