Daily Reflection
December 4th, 2000
Joan Lanahan
Nursing School Chaplain
Click here for a photo of and information on this writer.

Isaiah 2:1-5
Psalms 122:1-2, 3-4, 8-9
Matthew 8:5-11


Advent is our time of waiting for the Lord, a special time of hoping for God's presence and healing and peace.  As Christians celebrate Advent, our Hebrew brothers and sisters celebrate Hanukah, a time of light and freedom.  Our Muslim friends fast and pray at Ramadan.

Our readings today all speak of "climb the Lord's mountain" or "go up to the house of the Lord."  Each religion has its own way of "climbing the Lord's mountain" or being present to God who calls to our hearts.

The Centurion in Matthew's gospel came to Jesus to beg for healing for his servant.  When Jesus said he would come to visit his home and meet the boy, the Centurion's reply of faith was, "just give the word and my boy will be healed" ...because "I am not worthy to have you under my roof."  Jesus, in his healing of the boy, spoke of the man's deep faith.

How often do we/I feel "not worthy?"  Is this really true?  Are we not worthy of God's immense love for us?  God created us each worthy of his/her love.  God made us in God's image and likeness and we grow each day to be more in the image of God's love IF we so choose.

We who follow Jesus ARE Jesus' love in our world.  We continue Jesus' Incarnational love in our homes, in solidarity with the poor, in advocacy for those who have no voice, in our ethical behavior at work or everywhere.  When we trust God's promise that GOD IS WITH US and we reach out in love toward others, or receive their love, it is because we are worthy.

God comes to each of us and lives deeply in our hearts.  No matter which religion we profess, knowing there is a God can give us comfort and courage.  Belief gives us the strength and love, with the psalmist, to say:  "Peace be within you.  I will pray for your good."


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