Daily Reflection
December 23rd, 2000
Tom Schloemer, S.J.
Career and Academic Planning
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Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24
Psalms 25:4-5, 8-10, 14
Luke 1:57-66

The person of John the Baptizer is a prominent figure in our Advent readings.  Today we have an account of his rite of circumcision.  An element of mystery is powerful in this scene.  Very simply mystery is something I cannot understand with my human intellect and for which assent in faith is necessary.  We recall that the revelation to Zechariah of this wondrous birth was incomprehensible to him.  His being struck dumb was a symbol of his failure to accept this graced communication.  Back to the scene . . . 

The naming of the child was an important part of the ceremony.  When Elizabeth countered with the name of John to the expected naming after the father, all eyes were on Zechariah.  Was he going to blow it again?  No, Mister Z came through because of his hard won realization that, when all is out of control, faith is necessary.

What about us?  How is the Lord working in my life presently?  What may the Lord be asking of me?  Do I understand what is happening in my life?  Am I struggling to be in control?

Elizabeth and Zechariah provide a good example.  They did not understand, and they certainly were not in control.  They realized that faith, namely, trust in the Lord, was necessary.  They were willing to let go and let God.  The result was peace of mind and soul.  That kind of peace can also be ours.

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