Romans 7:18-25
Psalms 119:66, 68, 76, 77, 93, 94 Luke 12:54-59 In light of the recent tragedies it seems like we are consumed with horrific losses, America’s counter-attacks and terrorist threats of further violence. Terrorism, war and fear have been thrust into everyday conversation and our psyche. There are striking similarities in today’s reading from Paul to the Romans (7:18-25). The reading describes Paul’s inner struggle between following God and living with desires of the flesh. Most of us can recall a time when we have experienced similar struggles between following God’s ways or self-centered ways. We can identify with Paul’s inner struggle and have experienced inordinate attachments to things of this world be it food, drink, sex, comfort, safety, possessions, control, power, work, etc. All of these are good in and of themselves yet, can be detrimental when they are at odds with following God’s way. When earthly attachments interfere with following God, they become like terrorists to our inner lives. The attachments surface as extreme cravings that must be met. They attack our spiritual lives and lead us to satisfy desires of this world. When these attachments reach the level of addiction, they may destroy the whole of one’s life. For some, only when their lives lay in destruction do they realize the need to turn to God. Turning to and following God is the key to the wisdom and peace we all want. What comes to mind about today’s readings is that our enemy is not
so much outside ourselves, but rather the inner struggle that we encounter.
Today let us shift our focus from outside enemies to those parts of us
that cause us to stray away from God’s love. Let us examine our inner
selves and wage war on our inner desires that lead to destruction.
Turning to God in prayer and following God’s law will lead us to peace
and freedom. Just imagine how our world would be different if we
all destroyed our inner demons.