Daily Reflection
January 3rd, 2002
John Lynch, S.J.
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1 John 2:29--3:6
Psalm 98:1, 3-4, 5-6
John 1:29-34

"Who are you?"

In the scripture today we hear how the leaders from Jerusalem question John the Baptist "Who are you?"  John directs their attention to the "one among you whom you do not recognize..." In many ways each of us can be a bridge, a priest, an instrument similar to John, whose very life leads others to Jesus Christ.  Whatever our vocation or work, our example speaks to others about our life in Christ.

As a child I cherish the memories of coming to my mother's bedroom and finding her kneeling beside her bed deeply in prayer. We all know men and women who make time every day to practice their faith.  At our teaching hospital here at Creighton University, we have a young surgeon who begins his day by attending Mass.  If he happens to be late, he attends a second Mass to hear the readings.

As we begin a new year, a gift we can give ourselves and others is a choice to make time daily to deepen our interior knowledge of Jesus Christ.  In the first reading today we are reminded to hold on to what we know in our hearts - what has been given us by baptism. "This means you have no need for anyone to teach you."  The Spirit of Jesus will teach us - if we make time to listen.

Our walking with Him and in Him, our example, will make us an everlasting gift pleasing to Him.  With John the Baptist we can also point to the "one among you whom you do not know."  We certainly will influence others to discover Jesus Christ.

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