Daily Reflection
February 26th, 2002
Joan Lanahan
Nursing School Chaplain
Click here for a photo of and information on this writer.
Isaiah 1:10, 16-20
Psalm 50:8-9, 16-17, 21, 23
Matthew 23:1-12


We begin today's readings with Sodom and Gomorrah and God's exhortation to the people: 

"...wash yourselves clean, cease doing evil, 
learn to do good; make justice your aim" 
This is a great Lenten call from God to each of us. 

The Ignatian Exercises have us meditate on the Two Standards: choose evil and Satan's ways or choose good and God's ways.  Our lives today are replete with moral and ethical choices.

The Olympics are teaching us moral lessons and giving us new hero/ines.  There is Apolo Anton Ohno, a U.S. speed skater who has turned his young life around after activities that had him "skating on thin moral ice."  With discipline and lots of work and loving encouragement, he accepted defeat, winning silver instead of gold.  His answer was that he will keep disciplining himself and strive and hope for more.

Jamie Sale and David Pelletier of Canada could have made lots of noise and accusations when they were chosen for silver instead of gold in figure skating.  Instead they received their silver metals graciously.  Others spoke out about injustice.  Then with humility they received gold medals never denying gold to the Russian pair.

These young people are examples of humility and honest living.  They use their God-given talents to bring us joy and awe, their service to our world.

Matthew's gospel speaks to all of us, leaders and followers.  It is not our "position" in life that is meaningful.  It is how we use our gifts in service to others and with humility.

For Lent this year be mindful of your humility and giftedness and call to service and justice. 

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