Ezekiel 47:1-9,
Psalm 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9 John 5:1-3, 5-16 Healing River The mysterious water described by Ezekiel attracts our attention for many reasons. The water is first a trickle, then ankle-deep, then knee-deep, then so deep, it has become a river. This water has power—wherever it flows, the water brings life . . . it makes salt water fresh, the fruit trees which drink from it bear fruit every month, the fruit is food, the leaves are medicine. This water’s dramatic power is explained by its mysterious source: the water flows “from the sanctuary” of the temple. The water heals, because the water bears the life of God. The “hurts” of life for which we seek healing are many and varied. We hurt from poor personal health, from family problems without solutions, from injustices inflicted upon us, from a world in love with “self” rather than with the living God. Jesus is the healing balm which we seek, the giver of the water which “springs up to eternal life.” His presence heals because he bears to us the life of God. But how? Perhaps this happens dramatically—a change in physical symptoms. Perhaps this happens subtly—a changing attitude that gradually invades our minds and hearts. Perhaps this happens unexpectedly—transforming us into “food” and “medicine” for the hungers and sicknesses of others. How do we need to be carried by the Water of Life today? What
is the hurt for which we seek healing, the thirst which needs water?
Will we let ourselves draw near to Jesus, who offers us healing and life?