Daily Reflection
April 1st, 2002
Maria Teresa Gaston
Center for Service & Justice
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Monday After Easter 
Acts 2:14, 22-32
Psalm 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11
Matthew 28:8-15

I wonder why it is the women that were graced with seeing Jesus first after the resurrection?  I take that question to prayer.  I imagine their devastation, the men and women disciples feeling so defeated, exhausted emotionally and physically from the ordeal of the crucifixion, still paralyzed by fear and confusion and hopelessness on the third day.

It is the women that roused themselves to loving duty overcoming the lethargy of pain to put one foot in front of the other to carry out the ritual of visiting the tomb of the one they so loved and believed in.

Only God could resurrect hope, could bring back energy and passion into these lives so wedded to Jesus’ way.

This lent, I have felt great sadness and fear for our world wrought by the terror of September 11 and even more by the US violent response to these attacks.  The erupting scandals in the church have added to the cloud of sorrow and powerlessness.  I feel immobilized as the faithful friends of Jesus must have felt.

It is the presence of what can only be God’s spirit alive in my domestic church that rouses me to the daily rituals of loving service… and there I meet Jesus.  “I am alive” he convinces me.  God is not defeated.  “Go and carry the news.”  Do not cooperate with the strategies of those who seek to suppress the truth or accept bribes to keep quiet and lie about the power of God as in the second part of the Easter gospel today.

Take courage from the saints and heroes all around us who rise each day to carry the news of hope and life, who resist evil and act in love, in the midst of suffering and oppression of every sort.

Resist the temptation to give up hope and faith, to remain paralyzed by doubt and indifference.  Instead, plant seeds, bake bread, share meals, make music, take hikes, welcome others and not neglect public life.  Study, clarify, seek truth and healing.  Speak, write, act in community to let my resurrected life be known in this world today. 

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