Daily Reflection
May 14th, 2002
Rev. Richard Gabuzda
Institute for Priestly Formation
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Feast of St. Matthias
Acts 1:15-17, 20-26
Psalm 113:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8
John 15:9-17

And the River Still Flows

The water of a river is relentless in its power.  Rivers flow on without hesitation, year after year.  If, for some reason, the river's path is blocked, it shifts direction in order to keep flowing, non-stop. 

The Acts of the Apostles moves forward, page after page, chronicling the movement of the Gospel from Jerusalem out to "the world."  In this forward movement, a relentless Power is at work, driving the early believers to bold proclamation of what they have seen and heard of Jesus, risen from the dead.

Not even the defection of Judas from the band of apostles is sufficient to stop the flow of the Gospel.  Acts depicts the selection of Matthias to fill the empty place as an event fully guided by the Holy Spirit, within the plan and providence of God.  The Gospel keeps flowing, even with occasional shifts in direction, non-stop.

This relentless, saving Love, the driving force at the dawn of the Church, is still flowing.  The mysterious Love which has created the world, is determined continually to save the world.  This River flows forward, without hesitation, year after year.  If this River's path is blocked, it shifts direction in order to keep flowing, non-stop.

Do we believe in this relentless, saving Love?  Do we imagine certain blocks to this River's path stop its flow?  Are we in the River, or looking at the River from the shore? 

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