Daily Reflection
May 21st, 2002
Shirley Scritchfield
Institutional Research & Assessment
Click here for a photo of and information on this writer.

James 4:1-10
Psalm 55:7-8, 9-10, 10-11, 23
Mark 9:30-37

If any one would be first, they must be last of all and servant of all.

Gracious Spirit, 
You call us to 
choose to be last,
to act not to win,
but to serve all your people.

How do we in U.S. culture
take this message into ourselves?
How can we hear your call?
How do we listen to your voice?

Ours is a culture
that celebrates the heroes and winners,
the people who come in first
   …who score the most points
   …who make the most money,
   …who are most popular,
   …who win the prize.

Ours is a culture
where we act as if
   we ARE first in the world,
   consuming the world’s resources,
   driving our gas-guzzling SUVs,
   wearing clothes made in sweatshops 
   on the other side of the globe.
Ours is a culture 
where we act as if what we do
   has no effect on others,
   half a world
   or half a mile away.
What do we know about being last?
Why would we want to?

But…Jesus says,
If you would be first,
    then you must be last.
There’s nothing about sometimes… or when feeling charitable,
If you would be first…forget yourself…be My voice…be My hands…be My love.
If we would be who are created to be…
     whose we are created to be…
     the call is clear,
     God’s hand…and heart are extended.
The choice is mine…ours.
What will I…we choose?  

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