Daily Reflection
September 4th, 2002
 Chas Kestermeier, S.J.
Chaplain, Kiewit Residence Hall
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1 Corinthians 3:1-9
Psalm 33
Luke 4:38-44

Jesus is highly successful in one town, and there is much left there that he could do, but he insists on moving on to other towns.

I went to bed last night with much of my work incomplete, with mere beginnings made with so many people and only rough drafts formed for so many projects.  I lay down tired, unfinished, unsatisfied.  Today I get up to a new day, starting God's work in a new town, knowing that the same thing will happen tonight.  

It doesn't matter.  I'm trying to follow the one Lord through the multiplicity of beginnings, trying to gain not closure and completion, not satisfaction, but experience, understanding, growth, and a closer union with him wherever he leads.

And one day he will say "Enough" and lead me to the last new town, the final new beginning, the ultimate experience, life in the fullness of his presence in the New Jerusalem.  There both of us shall rest from our labors.  There I shall abide forever, and there I will at last be filled, satisfied, and at peace in him.

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