Revelation 4:1-11
Psalm 150:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 Luke 19:11-28 GIFTS GIVEN My God stresses the gifts s/he gives us. We are expected to offer, to use these gifts with others rather than hoard them. The previous Lucan story was about Zacchaeus. Now here is a man, despised by many, who WAKES UP to Jesus/God in his life. Zacchaeus invites Jesus to his home. This is a metaphor for our hoped-for relationship with God. When we are in a good personal space, having a "good hair day", it is easy to recognize the awesome beauty of God's presence and gifts. When we are in a tough spot, even with flu, seeing beauty and being grateful to God is much more difficult. A friend was recently diagnosed with the worst kind of brain tumor, fast growing. She was immediately hospitalized and 2 days later the surgeon got "90%" of the tumor. Now she will undergo a regime of chemo and radiation. This is a terribly tough event in her life and for her family and friends. I learned a good reflection question with this tragedy. "What is good or right here?" Then I could see God's gift is that the cancer was caught and she, her family and friends have time to heal. Recognizing a gift of God, we are meant to use the gift and to "Praise
God....who is Holy,Holy, Holy" as in the Psalms and Revelations.
I hope my reflection on my friend's cancer helps you to look at gifts of
God in suffering times. I invite you to pass along the faith gift
God has given you. This is our Loving God.