Daily Reflection
November 20th, 2002
 Joan Lanahan
Chaplain, Occupational & Physical Therapy Programs
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Revelation 4:1-11
Psalm 150:1-2, 3-4, 5-6
Luke 19:11-28


The King in Jesus' parable of the ten gold coins certainly appears to be a bully.  Imagine a King - or a God - who is so demanding that he kills a servant who doesn't put money away...or all of the people who oppose him.  This has and continues to happen in our world.  When thinking of our Mysterious God, this is more the old picture of "God will get you for that" than the compassionate God of Jesus.  It seems to be a challenge to look at the immensity of God and God's gifts to us.

My God stresses the gifts s/he gives us.  We are expected to offer, to use these gifts with others rather than hoard them.

The previous Lucan story was about Zacchaeus.  Now here is a man, despised by many, who WAKES UP to Jesus/God in his life.  Zacchaeus invites Jesus to his home.  This is a metaphor for our hoped-for relationship with God.

When we are in a good personal space, having a "good hair day", it is easy to recognize the awesome beauty of God's presence and gifts.  When we are in a tough spot, even with flu, seeing beauty and being grateful to God is much more difficult.

A friend was recently diagnosed with the worst kind of brain tumor, fast growing.  She was immediately hospitalized and 2 days later the surgeon got "90%" of the tumor.  Now she will undergo a regime of chemo and radiation.  This is a terribly tough event in her life and for her family and friends.

I learned a good reflection question with this tragedy.  "What is good or right here?"  Then I could see God's gift is that the cancer was caught and she, her family and friends have time to heal.

Recognizing a gift of God, we are meant to use the gift and to "Praise God....who is Holy,Holy, Holy" as in the Psalms and Revelations.  I hope my reflection on my friend's cancer helps you to look at gifts of God in suffering times.  I invite you to pass along the faith gift God has given you.  This is our Loving God.

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