Daily Reflection
April 28th, 2003
Tom Schloemer, S.J.
Career and Academic Planning
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Acts 4:23-31
Psalm 2:1-3, 4-6, 7-9
John 3:1-8

I cannot celebrate the Easter Season without recalling a dear, departed friend.  Dorothy firmly held and deeply appreciated the risen life of Jesus.  She also exulted in the season of spring in which, most fittingly, nature is reborn.

The notion of rebirth is found in our readings today.  In the Gospel Nicodemus sought out Jesus in secret.  Though certainly fascinated by the person of Jesus, Nicodemus proceeded warily in his acceptance of Christ’s message.  When Jesus broached the topic of spiritual rebirth, his response may have seemed obtuse, but Nicodemus was not yet fully trusting of Jesus.

In the first reading, we marvel at the spiritual rebirth of the Apostles.  We recall their fear and flight at the arrest of Jesus.  They have been transformed through the Resurrection into fearless preachers who were willing to undergo persecution, even death, for the person and message of Jesus.  The disciples became fully trusting of Jesus.

What about us?  Are we experiencing spiritual rebirth during this Easter Season?  Such would involve contemplation of the events of Holy Week and beyond.  Reflection on God’s presence in our lives would also be involved.  Jesus tells us:

  The wind blows where it will.  You hear the sound it makes, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes.

Many things that are known cannot be explained.  They are not seen except in their effects.  We may not always understand how God is working in our lives, but we trust in the outcome.

In what does such trust consist?  First of all, there is a spring-like freshness and zest for life.  There is confidence that God loves us and cares for us which was beginning in Nicodemus and was full-blown in the Apostles.  The Psalm Response says it all:  Happy are all who put their trust in the Lord.

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