Daily Reflection
July 13th, 2004
Brigid Quinn Laquer
Preventive Medicine
Click here for a photo of and information on this writer.

Matthew states that “Jesus began to reproach the towns where most of his mighty deeds had been done, since they had not repented.”  Do we acknowledge God’s mighty deeds in our life?  I wonder.

Do we see God in the splendor of creation; in the miracle of life; in the intricate balance of ecosystems; in the beauty and uniqueness of each human being?

Do we truly believe that God has healed us of our brokenness and forgiven our sins?  Do we recognize how God has comforted us in illness, grief and lose.  Have we heard God’s call to be ambassadors of love to others that we encounter as we go about our daily activities?

Are we receptive to all that God is trying to teach us through Scriptures, through the murmuring of the Holy Spirit and through our life experiences?  Do we acknowledge God’s help and protection?

Human wisdom and learning alone are not enough to recognize God’s mighty deeds in our life. Isaiah says, “Unless your faith is firm you shall not be firm!” (Is 7:9).  Faith and trust in God’s unconditional love and goodness doesn’t change our experiences, but it changes us and it changes the way we look at our experiences and more importantly how we respond to them.

Elijah hears God in the “tiny whispering sound.”(1Kgs 19:12)  Psalm 46:10 says “Be still and know that I am God.”  Take time today to silence the noise that we pollute our lives with. Take time to hug your child/spouse/friend and tell them you love them.  Take time to be thankful for all that God has provided for you and to relinquish (at least some) control to God.  Don’t miss the unexpected opportunities to experience God in the ordinary happenings of your day.  Be open to whatever God has in mind.  Take time to recognize God’s mighty deeds in your life.


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