Daily Reflection
September 29th, 2004
Cathy Weiss Pedersen
Campus Ministry
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Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, archangels 
Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14 or Revelation 12:7-12ab
Psalm 138:1-2ab, 2cde-3, 4-5
John 1:47-51

Earlier this summer, as I was struggling with some particularly difficult events, I received a card of encouragement from one of my friends.  Also, in the envelope was an angel pin.  I was touched by my friend’s care and concern for me but a little amused at the angel pin.  Though I grew up with the idea of guardian angels as a part of my faith, I relegated them to childhood religious piety as I grew older.

As I contemplated today’s readings and the feast of Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, I reflected on the role of the angels at the Annunciation, the news of Jesus’ resurrection and the struggle of the good and bad angels in heaven.   However, I also recalled that as a child I daily recited the ‘Angel of God’ prayer.  Truthfully, I couldn’t recall the whole prayer, short as it is, but was able to locate it through the wonders of a ‘google’ search!    I found myself drawn to the simple, yet powerful words of the prayer:
    “Angel of God, my guardian dear,” – an acknowledgement that God is present as my guardian through an angel/messenger/guide of God;
    “…to whom God's love commits me here,” – As a child, I had thought of God rounding up angels and sending one off with each of us as we are born into this world; however, the prayer suggests that each of us is entrusted to a particular angel…God actually pairs us up with a special God presence/angel;
    “…ever this day (night), be at my side to light and guard, to rule and guide.”  Our special angel/God presence is with us 24/7, present to help us, remind us of what it means to be made in God’s image, to remind us that we are treasured by our loving Creator…and ready to usher us into God’s loving embrace at the end of our life on earth.

Rather than a mythical, sappy image of virtuous, adorable cherubs (to which I relegated the idea of angels as I grew up), the scriptural idea of angels is an integral and important part of our Judeo-Christian tradition.  They appear many times in the Jewish and Christian scriptures…as God’s presence, helper, rescuer, messenger and consolation.  

Perhaps angels are really not as childish as I once thought.  Today’s readings emphasize the constant presence of angels attending to God.  Yet, our tradition reminds us that angels are our companions, messengers of God, and a holy-calming God presence to us.  

Today may be a good time to turn our attention to the angels in our lives…both those that we can see and those that accompany us, sight unseen.  Are we able to respond/recognize God’s special presence among us so that we can intentionally become God messengers/companions to others?  Possibly God’s angels are here to help us better sacramentalize – “make holy-make God real” in our day, the events, and for/with the people in our lives.

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