Titus 3:1-7 “…But
when the kindness and generous love of God our savior appeared, not because
of any righteous deeds we had done but because of his mercy…”
Psalm 23: 1b-3a, 3bc-4, 5, 6 “…I fear no evil; for you are at my side with your rod and your staff that give me courage...”
Luke 17: 11-10 “…“Ten were cleansed were they not? Where are the other nine?”...”
Memorial of St. Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church 461 A. D. known
as one of the best administrator Popes, he was well versed in Scripture and
ecclesiastical matters. He was also able to address the everyday needs
of the people. (See http://www.americancatholic.org/Features/SaintOfDay/default.asp?id=1195)
He had a great devotion to St. Peter, and wrote many sermons. He was
in office when Attila the Hun marched into Rome, also when Genseric invaded
Rome. It was said the St. Leo’s sanctity and eloquence saved Rome again.
(See http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/saintsl04.htm)
Today’s readings are a sort of check-in on what it means to be called a Christian,
a reminder to follow Christ’s lead. This reminder comes at a good time.
The last few weeks and months have been rough for many people; every day’s
news became an invitation to recognize our differences; splitting people
and even families apart. Television and print ads were abundant and
they elicited strong emotion. But, today we are invited to look at
our Faith from a different angle, one that will create unity and remind us
that we are all one in Him. In the first reading from the Letter to
Titus we read, “Slander no one, be peaceable, considerate, exercising graciousness
toward everyone.” The Catholic Study Bible refers to the Letter
to Titus as being pastoral as were the two letters before it to Timothy.
St. Paul reminds us, the people of God that there was a time when we were
foolish, morally destructive; we hated ourselves and one another. But
having experienced the “kindness and generous love of God” through Jesus
Christ; not because we are deserving, but because God poured out His Grace
upon us.; now we can live each day putting on the mind of Christ, filled
with the hope of eternal life.
And from Psalm 23 we are called to remember that the Lord is my shepherd.
Even if we are lost, today He calls us back to His fold. Come quickly
back to the fold, hear and answer me experience My Love. Fear no evil,
fear not for the Lord is at our side. On all matters, the bigger the
better, rest assured the Lord will guide our path. Take up you staff,
be guided and help others to see the way.
And today Jesus reminds us to be thankful for in today’s reading from Luke,
we are told again of the ten lepers who are healed, and only one, the Samaritan
comes back to thank Jesus for that gift of healing. What have you forgotten
to thank Jesus for of late? Stop for a minute and recognize all that
He has done in your life. We have plenty of reminders of those
who are less fortunate than we in our world today. Let us be a people
of thanksgiving and let us fight hard to remember to keep Christ in each
day’s equation. Praying for world leaders to bring peace to our lands;
for we know when we try to work on our own we can not deliver the goods.
Therefore, let us drink in today’s lesson, recognizing our reliance on God,
who can make all things right for where humankind fails, God will not fail.
Faithful, diligent in Him; let us be as a people and we will all rejoice
In one of St. Leo’s sermons he is quoted as saying “For all, regenerated
in Christ, as made kings by the sign of the cross… For what is more king-like
than to find yourself ruler over your body after having surrendered your
soul to God? And what is more priestly than to promise the Lord a pure
conscience and to offer him in love unblemished victims on the altar of one’s
heart?” (See the catholic-forum website listed above)