Daily Reflection
July 12th, 2005

Chas Kestermeier, S.J.

English Department
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Exodus 2:1-15a
Psalm 69:3, 14, 30-31, 33-34
Matthew 11:20-24

Today's gospel reading follows immediately on the passage in which Herod arrests and kills John the Baptist, and Jesus seems to somewhat suddenly take up the prophetic voice that John had used. There is more than a touch of anger in his words, and we can take them to be an accusation not only against these specific towns but against that whole generation and their rejection of John as well.

Jesus speaks of the signs and miracles, not only his own but also John's, that should have lead to conversion.

We might well ask what the signs or miracles are that point the way to God today, what voices call us and what it is that they call us to. Do we look only to the Pope and to our parish priest for divine guidance? Or do we also seek God's voice in the people around us at work or at home? In the news? At prayer?

We should be listening for a word from God in all of them, of course, although we need to work hard to discern the true signs among the many and to recognize God's authentic voice in all of our busy noise.

And to do that we need to pray, regularly and from our heart. 

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