As we continue to celebrate the Christmas season, our readings all week have focused on the first letter from John and the beginning of the Gospel of John. Scholars believe the letter from John was written by the same school of Christians who gave us the fourth gospel, with John’s letter perhaps being written as a short treatise of the gospel. I love this gospel story of Jesus’ first miracle. I remember a movie I saw about 5 years ago that depicted Jesus’ life and ministry and included the Wedding at Cana. I envisioned the story much like it was depicted. I can totally imagine Jesus eating rich foods, drinking with friends and family, laughing, telling jokes, listening to stories and dancing with the other guests. Jesus’ humanity is so obvious for me in this story. How fitting that it is here that his disciples first glimpse Jesus’ divinity as well. The Bible is replete with images of water mixing with wine. In the same way, Jesus’ humanity (as one whose mother insists he listen to her) mixes with Jesus’ divinity (as one who not only complies by turning water into wine, but turning that water into the finest wine served at the party)! The reading from the letter of John is more directed toward us
as disciples of Christ. If we find someone who sins, someone who
is not living life fully in God, our duty is to pray for that person
and let God lead him/her to life. That part is easy enough –
I often tell people that I will pray for them and praying for people
I see struggling is a common enough occurrence for me. But, that
is all John says. That nothing more is said is the true challenge
for me. Being a “good Christian,” I am tempted to offer
advice to people when I see them doing wrong. Afterall, as a “good
Christian,” my advice would no doubt also be good! But, John
suggests that I not give advice. My job is to pray and let God do
the rest. How tough for me to be patient and let God be God. To
make matters worse for me, it appears that I am not even allowed
to judge the other person! Even if I manage to not give advice to
others whom I think badly need it, seeing someone who is clearly
doing something harmful to themselves and others (for sin separates
us from self, others, and God) is usually a signal to me of how
to be a better person myself. Whether I like to admit it or not,
seeing someone “sin” is usually a way for me to feel
better about myself because I “am not like them.” I
like John’s suggestion that I simply pray for others and let
God give him/her life. But, what a challenge for me to simply do
this and to not give advice or become more certain of my own goodness! |