Today’s readings prompt me to examine how I see God in my
everyday life. God is everywhere and always with us, but I do find
myself too easily swept up into the day to day ‘to-do’s
as I enter second semester. Juggling appointments, scheduling meetings,
answering messages, and connecting with students as they return
to campus, along with other life responsibilities often leaves me
with a further list of tasks. In the midst of my busy-ness, I do
not stop to slow down enough to recognize where and who God is in
my ‘comings’ and ‘goings’, to say nothing
of allowing time to nurture my relationship with God’s presence.
Where is God? Are there times that we do not see or recognize God’s
presence because of our perspectives - the lenses of our life obscuring
God’s working in others? Are we really IN relationship with
Today’s scriptures all proclaim God’s presence among
In Hebrews, we are reminded that Christ is the mediator of the new
covenant. Because of Christ’s coming, we live in relationship
with our God who embraces us completely. But are we able to accept
and live as if God’s loving presence gives us life in every
aspect of our day to day struggles, joys, grief, love, and interactions
with others?
Today psalmist enthusiastically invites us to, “Sing a
new song, for God has done marvelous works”. God has
made salvation known and has revealed justice, kindness and faithfulness
to all the peoples. But what does that look like in my world today?
Am I filled with joy and energized by each day, or bogged down by
the ‘have to do’s in my life?
In Mark, Jesus cures many of the people’s maladies, even on
the Sabbath. As he calls the apostles and speaks with the crowds
that come to hear and be with him, the religious leaders grow increasingly
disturbed and begin to plot his destruction, accusing Jesus of being
possessed by the devil. Jesus’ concerned family comes to try
to bring him home to safety.
However, Jesus’ continues to teach and boldly denounces the
Jewish leaders for their accusations. He explains that his power
is NOT from Satan (“If Satan has risen up against himself
and is divided, he cannot stand…that is the end of him.”)
and proclaims that God forgives all things….except those who
blasphemes against the Holy Spirit.
Jesus invites us to realize that to accept him is to accept God’s
spirit in our lives, but to reject relationship with God cuts us
off from being in God’s presence. If one rejects the Holy
Spirit’s presence, then it is impossible for God to be in
relationship with that person(s). To relate takes both parties’
willingness to be for/with the other.
Recognizing God’s presence in my life takes time for reflection,
and demands that I step back from my schedule, to slow down the
‘doing’ and to allow myself to BE…in relationship
with God, to let God show me the ‘marvelous works’ of
God’s presence in my life through and with others.
In these new weeks of second semester, my prayer is that each of
us will slow down enough to recognize God’s marvelous works
in our lives…to take time to just BE in God’s presence
and truly in relationship with the loving, forgiving and all embracing
love of God’s Spirit in our daily lives.