When we have truly come out with hands up, and turned from the ways of the world, we cannot continue to rely on those things that got us into trouble, but we must seek the arms of God who is our source of strength in times of trouble. In Hosea chapter 6, we are admonished to return unto the Lord for he hath torn us, and he will heal us; he has smitten us, and he will bind us up. The same providence of God that afflicts us, it also relieves us. In our daily devotion to God, we must be sure of who we are committed to and not to ourselves. We all belong to God. In Luke chapter 18, the scripture lets us know that everyone that exalteth himself shall be abased; and that everyone that humbleth shall be exalted. Our lives are as broken vessels. God is the potter, we are the clay. He is able to take all of the broken pieces of our lives and put us back together again. |