Daily Reflection
May 2nd, 2007

Joan Lanahan

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In the United States our political season is upon us. We listen to politicians proclaim great words and promise great works. Who do you believe?

Jesus’ words in John’s gospel:

‘whoever puts faith in me believes not so much in me
As in him who sent me…”

Continue in John 14:22:

‘anyone who loves me will be true to my word…and
My Father will love him/her.
We will come to him/her and make our dwelling place with him/her.”

When we believe deeply the words and works of Jesus, others can see us living them.
God’s love is visible in our loving acts.

Last year I was privileged to visit Creighton’s health care program in the Dominican Republic, ILAC (the Institute of Latin American Concern). Our Physical Therapy students were there doing a clinical rotation. They were working with Dominicanos in hospitals, nursing homes, clinics for adults and for children and in the campos, the rural villages. There was not a lot of medical equipment available. I saw a student make a splint out of virtually nothing, create exercise equipment from balls, slinkys, etc. One student found ortho shoes for a child who needed them. They used dance as an exercise medium for older adults. They even learned some “hot” Latin dances. I was amazed at their skills of adaptability that were born out of love, the love of the people they were serving. You could see it in their sparkling eyes.

Mother Teresa was well known as a holy woman. What made her holy in our eyes? She had a deep respect for the human person. You could see this in the gentle way she treated the dying.

Each of these people love God and show it by their love of others. We are each loved greatly; God “dwells in us”. God’s love is not meant for us alone; we must give it away.

Do small things today and for many tomorrows, with a generous heart.

Give God Away Today!

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