Daily Reflection
May 3rd, 2007

Chas Kestermeier, S.J.

English Department
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Like Philip we all wish to see the Father, and Jesus gives us the same response that he gives to Philip. Unlike Philip, we do not see even Jesus as clearly as we would like.

It would be so much easier (we think) to love and follow Jesus if we could see him in person, could converse with him, could ask questions and listen to his answers (we think). It is a natural enough desire and one which God will, in his own way, respond to after our deaths.

The fact is, though, that in the New Testament we already have all the answers that Jesus gave to the critical questions. We are able to converse with him in prayer at any time that we wish, and we can see him in person in the least of our brothers and sisters.

But do we? Do we read the Scripture as if God addressed his word directly and personally to each of us? to me? Do we want to talk to God and, more importantly, listen to God in prayer --- enough to actually pray on a regular basis? And to do so personally, not only with memorized prayers?

And do we find Jesus calling us to heal him, feed him, clothe him, and just plain love him in the people we find uncomfortable or even repulsive? in the people we have no hope for? in the person right beside us at home or at work or on the street?

"Jesus, show us the Father?" Jesus, please help us to see you more often.

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