Daily Reflection
November 16th, 2007

Rev. Rich Gabuzda

Institute for Priestly Foundation
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The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

The author of the book of Wisdom invites us to ponder the attraction of the created world and to wonder at a mystery--the mystery of why so many civilizations were attracted by the power of fire or wind, and the beauty of the stars or the sea, yet they did not come to know the true and living God through these marvels of creation. In the words of the text itself, “. . . from studying the works they did not discern the artisan.”

St. Augustine, wrestling his way toward conversion, encountered this same phenomenon. He even admits that created things kept him from God. From his writings we learn that it was only after encountering the powerful love of the living God converting him from within that the external world exploded into a manifestation of the glory of God. Once Augustine’s eyes were opened to the glory of God in his heart, he could then see the glory of God all around him.

We might sense in the book of Wisdom today a call to ponder the beauty of nature, but what then? Yes, we may see beauty, but will we see the glory of God there? It is unlikely--if our eyes are blind to the beauty of God at work in our hearts. Before such truth we might ask: What defenses and blocks have I erected in my heart that “screen out” this transforming fire of God’s love for me? And then in prayer we might cry out, in the words of Moses, “Do let me see your glory!”

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