Daily Reflection
December 5th, 2007

Carol Zuegner

Journalism Department
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The words of Isaiah in the first reading remind me of a quote attributed to author Willa Cather: “The miracles of the church seem to me to rest not so much upon faces or voices or healing power coming suddenly near to us from afar off, but upon our perceptions being made finer, so that for a moment our eyes can see and our ears can hear what is there about us always.” God is with us, but sometimes there is a veil, a web keeping us from seeing clearly and from hearing God’s message.

In Advent, it is up to us to take away the veil, to clean away the cobwebs as we prepare for the birth of Jesus. Much as I clean my house for company, I also must prepare myself and open myself to what God means for me. And once that cleaning is done, I must remember to rejoice, to hone my perceptions, my sight and hearing so I can feel, see and hear what is about me always.

Isaiah also reminds us of the power of God, the transitory nature of our suffering on Earth when he tells us that God will destroy death forever. The next image that God will wipe the tears from our faces serves as a way to tell us that God cares for each of us.

I have always loved Advent, the anticipation and the preparation. I still see the Advent season as a time to get ready. The prayers and readings remind me to focus on what’s important, to become aware of God in my life.

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