As I read the gospel for today, I started making
comparisons between the apostles arguing about first place and the
sibling rivalry among our six children. As one might imagine, there
were times when one or another felt disfavored. The older ones felt
that we unfairly granted privileges to the younger ones at earlier
ages. One thought the consequences for their misbehavior were more
severe than for a sibling. Another received a present that someone
else wanted, etc. Like the apostles, our children argued about who
was Mom’s favorite and who was Dad’s favorite. Sometimes,
I would question if we did something to promote the rivalry, but seeing
a similar rivalry among the apostles is a pretty good indication that
it must be part of being human. The insecurities of our imperfect
humanity easily lead us to either self-deprecation or over-compensation
with self-importance
The pride addressed in the readings is a false pride more appropriately described as arrogance or self-importance. It is not the kind of pride that represents a love of self as a creature of God. True pride means an honest and grateful acceptance of one’s strengths as gifts from God to be used for His honor and glory. The humility addressed in the readings is not a false humility that is self-deprecating. A true humility implies an acknowledgement of one’s dependence on God for all that one has and does, an acceptance that I am nothing without Him. True pride and humility are beautifully described in the words of St Ignatius’ Suspice: Take, O Lord, and receive my entire liberty, |