Daily Reflection
June 18th, 2008

Elizabeth Furlong

School of Nursing
Click here for a photo of and information on this writer.

I take today’s Gospel and summarize it into two messages:
1) Do Good – quietly and known only to God and to self, and,
2) let today’s Gospel be one more reminder of shedding another layer of ego.

This Reading discusses behaviors that are both difficult to do – and, yet, are behaviors that most of us do daily at some level. This Gospel reminds us of the interesting life ironies we live daily.

We are encouraged to let go of another layer of ego. How difficult that can be at times! After all, we invested time, money, and energy into some project, some need, some problem, some relationship, etc. – and, we want credit, admiration, and adulation for our behavior or for the successful outcome. We donated to some who are poor, cooked and served a dinner with a group who are homeless, gave a monthly check to an international donor agency, helped build a home for Habitat for Humanity, etc. – and, we want others to know we followed the Sermon on the Mount. We were cordial (not just civil) to the individual who alienates all others – and, we want others to know. This Gospel Reading calls us to our higher self – shed that layer of ego which seeks admiration.

And, yet, each of us knows that we live daily lives without totally seeking such aggrandizement. Depending on our Calling in life, we might do one of the following – practice a Servant Leadership model if in a leader position, deflect personal positive work and service project outcomes to the total team membership and participation, contextualize and frame one’s opportunities to help others within the gifts given to each of us (time, money, energy, skills), etc. However, given that, I believe we each can think of situations that occur, perhaps not daily, but, maybe weekly, where we are tempted to “go public” with our good deeds and prayer behaviors. And, when that happens, we are reminded to think of today’s Gospel.

Finally, Do Good – quietly and known only to God and to self. Write the donation check. Cook the meal and share it with gusto with the group who is homeless. Mail the check to the international agency. Stretch your muscles in building that house. Truly engage the individual who can be alienating and abrasive with others. But, practice quietness. Keep your chatter and behaviors silent and with God.

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