Daily Reflection
of Creighton University's Online Ministries
December 3rd, 2008

Joan Lanahan

SPAHP/Physical Therapy & Occupational Therapy
Click here for a photo of and information on this writer.


You have heard the old adage: “when the pupil is ready, the teacher will appear”. Well Sr. Mary appeared in my life 35 years ago. We were on a retreat and she told me, with great excitement,

“I have been given permission to open a House of Prayer in Harrisburg…oh, Sister Mary, that is great. Who will come to your House of Prayer?...Anyone and everyone. It will be open and free for everyone…But, Sister Mary, how will it pay for itself if it is free?...Oh, God will Provide. I am not worried.”

This is a story I have to return to when I get worried. This is a time when many people are worried. The economical, political, environmental situations in our world are in turmoil. Every day we hear more sad news. Some folks have sworn off the news because it is depressing.

Here we have this verse from Isaiah that reminds us that God has prepared a feast for us. It is not all meant to be in the afterlife. It is meant to be here on earth also. One of the key lines:

“On this mountain he will destroy the veil that veils all peoples…”

Says to me that we often have to have veils removed from our eyes and hearts. The veils are doubt, disbelief, negativity. We have a challenge before us. Can we believe that the problems of the world, of the U.S. can be turned around? Can we believe in possibilities? Can we look for the possible? Can we help create a New World, not just for ourselves, but for others also.

God wants us to be happy, to prosper, to share life and love with one another. God Provides by giving us the Spirit to be courageous in times of trouble; to be loving in times of grief; to build communities of care with one another. I know that if Sr. Mary was here today she would ask:

“How is your God Providing for you????
And are you helping God provide for Others???”
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