A Series of Presentations on
Three Key Decrees of the
Thirty-Fifth General Congregation
of the Society of Jesus

The General Congregation in session - Photo by Fr. Don Doll, S.J.

Photos by Fr. Don Doll, S.J.

The delegates on the roof of the Jesuit headquarters in Rome - photo by Don Doll, S.J.
See a high resolution version here.

Download the Decrees
of the Congregation
in PDF form.

2. The continued narrative of the Society has provided, over the centuries, the ground for numerous experiences of unity-in-multiplicity. We Jesuits, ... are frequently surprised that, despite our differences in culture and context, we find ourselves remarkably united. Through prayerful discernment, open discussion and spiritual conversations, we have again and again been privileged to know ourselves as one in the Lord : one united, apostolic body seeking what is best for the service of God in the Church and for the world. This graced experience reminds us of the experience recounted in the Deliberation of the First Fathers. Our earliest companions, even though they considered themselves weak and fragile and originating from many different places, found the will of God together amid great divesity of opinion. What enabled them to find God’s will was their “decided care and alertness to initiate a completely open way” and to offer themselves fully to it for the greater glory of God. Thus they began a narrative; they lit a fire, which was handed on in subsequent generations whenever people encountered the Society, enabling the personal histories of generations to become embedded in the Society’s history as a whole. This collective history formed the basis of their unity; and at its heart was Jesus Christ..... He is the unique image of the unseen God, capable of revealing himself everywhere; and in a tantalizing culture of images, he is the single image that unites. Jesuits know who they are by looking at him.

3. We Jesuits, then, find our identity not alone but in companionship: in companionship with the Lord, who calls, and in companionship with others who share this call .... The Son, the one image of God, Christ Jesus, unites them and sends them out to the whole world. He is the image at the very heart of Jesuit existence today; and it is his image that we wish to communicate to others as best we can.

- from Decree 2

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Collaborative Ministry Office

Our Second Presentation: The Decree on Identity
Wednesday, October 8th: 11:30 a.m., SSC 105

"A Fire That Kindles Other Fires:
Rediscovering Our Charism."

Beth Furlong & Greg Carlson, S.J.

Beth Furlong is an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing and a Faculty Associate in the Center for Health Policy and Ethics. She participated in a 1995 Faculty Service Retreat with the ILAC Program in the Dominican Republic and in the 2008 Lay/Jesuit Immersion Trip to the Tribal States of NE India.

Fr. Greg Carlson, S.J., has been teaching at Creighton since 1979. He has taught a wide variety of language and literature courses, has held Jesuit chairs at Georgetown and John Carroll and served as superior of two Jesuit communities. He is also Associate Director of the Deglman Center for Ignatian Spirituality.

"One part of this document emphasizes 'unity-in-multiplicity,' i.e., all Jesuits, while differing in global locale and ministry, are united in their common bond and Christ-centric mission. Further, this Decree discusses several of the charisms that Jesuits, staff, faculty, students, and alumni of Creighton University strive to practice - so that each of us may be a spark that 'kindles other fires.' " - Beth Furlong

"This engaging document addresses the "identity question" of Jesuits in a highly contemporary way. Its primary categories are story, experience, process, and image. The discussion spills over into plenty of challenges for anyone working at a Jesuit institution. We are all meant to find God at the frontiers, to combine the service of faith and the promotion of justice, and to listen attentively to the needs of the people whom we seek to serve.

The document shows itself painfully aware of today's global problems. For them it uses the images of thirst and darkness. We all are challenged, like Ignatius, to seek and find God in all things, for 'God is present in the darkness of life intent on making all things new.' " - Greg Carlson, S.J.

Read a brief summary of the Decree
from the small group of Jesuits at the Congregation who drafted it.

Each session will serve a complimentary light lunch

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and to help advertise this event in your area.

Visit the Online Ministries site on the General Congregation for background information on the Congregation

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