A Caregiver Reflects on Easter Week

Easter Week

For this last reflection, I chose the Gospel for the Easter Vigil, Luke 24: 1-12. We read that the women who had come with Jesus from Galilee brought spices and went to the tomb where Jesus had been laid after his crucifixion. There they found the stone rolled away, and an empty tomb. Their first thought must have been that his body had been moved elsewhere. But no, they are told “he has been raised.” Even though they had witnessed Jesus’ many miracles, including raising Lazarus from the dead, this must have been the most astonishing surprise of their lives! Impossible!

And this is the way we go forward as caregivers: open, without agendas and plans; open for the surprises that God brings daily, moment by moment, if we are attentive. A favorite song playing on the radio, an email with just the inspiration we need for the day, a phone call from a friend, a full night’s sleep, unexpected times of ease or strength as our loved ones have some relief.  We welcome all of these from the God of Infinite Goodness. We awaken to all that comes, even what we may have thought impossible!

This alone is a good reason for celebrating Jesus death and resurrection each year! Every year at Easter we are reminded, again and again, that no matter what happens in our lives, good or bad, it is all there to awaken us to God; awaken us to the holiness of the path we are given. No suffering, no death, no loss is ever the end. All paths lead to God, no matter how humble.

Ron Rolheiser, OMI writes:

The Resurrection is something that buoys up every moment of life and every aspect of reality. God is always making new life and undergirding it with a goodness, graciousness, mercy, and love that, in the end, heals all wounds, forgives all sins and brings deadness of all kinds to new life.

We lay down our spices and welcome the Risen Christ!

Diane Jorgensen

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