Prayer after the first reading about the creation: 
Genesis 1:1-2:2:

Let us pray.

Almighty ever-living God,
who are wonderful in the ordering of all your works,
may those you have redeemed understand
that there exists nothing more marvelous
than the world’s creation in the beginning
except that, at the end of the ages,
Christ our Passover has been sacrificed.
Who live and reigns for ever and ever.

Or on the creation of man:  Genesis 1:1, 26-31a:

Let us pray.

O God,
who wonderfully created human nature
and still more wonderfully redeemed it,
grant us we pray,
to set our minds against the enticements of sin,
that we may merit to attain eternal joys.

Through Christ our Lord.

The Next Reading


Prayer after the second reading about Abraham's sacrifice: 
Genesis 22:1-18; or 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18:

Let us pray.

O God, supreme Father of the faithful,
who increase the children of your promise
by pouring out the grace of adoption
throughout the whole world
and who through the Paschal Mystery
make your servant Abraham father of nations,
as once you swore,
grant, we pray,
that your peoples may enter worthily
into the grace to which you call them.
Through Christ our Lord.

The Next Reading


Prayer after the third reading about the passage through the Red Sea: 
Exodus 14:15-15:1.

Let us pray.

O God, whose ancient wonders
remain undimmed in splendor even in our day,
for what you once bestowed on a single people,
freeing them from Pharaoh’s persecution
by the power of your right hand,
now you bring about as the salvation of the nations
through the waters of rebirth,
grant, we pray, that the whole world
may become children of Abraham
and inherit the dignity of Israel’s birthright.
Through Christ our Lord.


Let us pray.

O God, who by the light of the New Testament
have unlocked the meaning
of wonders worked in former times,
so that the Red Sea prefigures the sacred font
and the nation delivered from slavery
foreshadows the Christian people,
grant, we pray, that all nations,
obtaining the privilege of Israel by merit of faith,
may be reborn by partaking of your Spirit.

Through Chirst our Lord.

The Next Reading


Prayer after the fourth reading about the new Jerusalem: 
Isaiah 54:5-14:

Let us pray.

Almighty ever-living God,
surpass, for the honor of your name,
what you pledged to the Patriarchs by reason of their faith,
and through sacred adoption increase the children of
your promise,
so that what the Saints of old never doubted would come to pass
your Church may now see in great part fulfilled.
Through Christ our Lord.

Alternatively, other prayers may be used from among those which follow the readings that have been omitted.

The Next Reading


Prayer after the fifth reading about salvation freely offered to all: 
Isaiah 55:1-11:

Let us pray.

Almighty ever-living God,
sole hope of the world,
who by the preaching of your Prophets
unveiled the mysteries of this present age.
graciously increase the longing of your people,
for only at the prompting of your grace
do the faithful progress in any kind of virtue.
Through Christ our Lord.

The Next Reading


Prayer after the sixth reading about the fountain of wisdom: 
Baruch 3:9-15, 32-4:4:

Let us pray.

O God, who constantly increase your Church
by your call to the nations,
graciously grant
to those you wash clean in the waters of Baptism
the assurance of your unfailing protection.
Through Christ our Lord.

The Next Reading


Prayer after the seventh reading about a new heart and a new spirit: 
Ezekiel 36:16-17a, 18-28:

Let us pray.

O God of unchanging power and eternal light,
look with favor on the wondrous mystery of the whole Church
and serenely accomplish the work of human salvation,
which you planned from all eternity;
may the whole world know and see
that what was cast down is raised up,
what had become old is made new,
and all things are restored to integrity through Christ,
just as by him they came into being.
Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.


Let us pray.

O God, who by the pages of both Testaments
instruct and prepare us to celebrate the Paschal Mystery,
grant that we may comprehend your mercy
so that the gifts we receive from you this night
may confirm our hope of the gifts to come.

Through Christ our Lord.


After the Gloria, and before the Epistle -
The Collect:

O God, who make this most sacred night radiant
with the glory of the Lord’s Resurrection,
stir up in your Church a spirit of adoption,
so that, renewed in body and mind,
we may render you undivided service.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

The Next Reading:
The Epistle:
Romans 6:3-11

The Gospel:
Luke 24: 1-12

Prayers are from the New Roman Missal, Third Edition

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