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Give Drink to the Thirsty

Give Drink to the ThirstyIn a disaster, one of the most basic needs is water.  In a crisis, water donations are often possible through the Red Cross, Red Crescent or another relief agency.  Educating ourselves on water quality and protecting this vital natural resource could be one way to assure this resource for the future.   More than 4,000 children alone die each day because of the diseases carried by impure water.  What can I do?

How can my family and I – or my neighborhood or city – conserve water?  What water issues are in my region and how can I learn more and get involved?

A small symbolic act could be if I forego my morning Latte at the coffee shop for a day (or a week), and give the cash I would have spent to some charity.  It adds up!

We can Google words like “clean water for world” “global water issues” and learn much more about the issues and organizations working to solve those problems.

One resource is a page from the United Nations Global Issues: Water.

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