Daily Reflection
From a Creighton Student's Perspective

March 27th, 2008

Julie Dunning

Senior, Spanish Major, Pre-Physical Therapy Track

Acts 3:11-26
Ps 8:2ab and 5, 6-7, 8-9
Lk 24:35-48

Today’s readings awaken many feelings, thoughts, and emotions for me – all of them hopeful.

After reading today’s first passage several times, I am continually struck be the following verses:

And by faith in his name,
this man, whom you see and know, his name has made strong,
and the faith that comes through it
has given him this perfect health.

Perhaps as a future health professional, I am drawn to this particular part. Most likely it is my Jesuit education that leads me to think about Cura Personalis, and the idea of caring for the whole person. The crippled man in the passage has experienced a physical healing, but not only that. This is much like the spiritual healing that we are all hopeful of receiving and can receive through faith in Christ and the love that He continually gives to us.

During this Easter season, a sense of hopefulness envelopes us. Jesus’ death and resurrection serve as a powerful reminder. As He showed His crucifixion wounds to His doubtful followers, so to we are reminded that, although we may encounter extremely difficult times, things will get better. We can and must have hope. We must also learn to allow Christ’s peace among and within us.

With spring time arriving in the Midwest, I find it easier to be aware of this peace and hopefulness that I can find in Christ. Recently, I was volunteering with students who are learning English as their second language. We were talking about the seasons, which one was our favorite, and why. A very kind-hearted, gentle, women answered that her favorite season is spring. When I asked why, she responded that it was for a reason what she could not describe. She explained spring as giving her a strong feeling that makes her want to just take a deep breath and smile. I don’t think she could have summarized it better! May we allow today’s readings and this Easter season to have a similar effect on us.

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