Daily Reflection
From a Creighton Student's Perspective

October 15th, 2008

Teresa Staten

Junior, Pre-Med, Biology Major

Gal 5:18-25
Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6
Lk 11:42-46

In all of these readings God seems to be wrestling with our inner consciences and to be signaling a wake-up call. In the first reading, God places His law which is “guided by the spirit” as above humanity’s law. He is warning us all to avoid “works of the flesh” and to “follow the Spirit.” The Responsorial Psalm says it succinctly—“Those who follow you, Lord, will have the light of life.” I really like this response because God seems to be encouraging us to come follow Him.

With the Gospel reading, I am once again discomforted as I am presented with the image of people walking over “unseen graves.” Through the use of this powerful language Jesus bluntly scolds the Pharisees and the scholars for living hypocritically. Thus, he forcefully drives his point home. These religious leaders pay attention to the petty details of paying tithes and trying to appear powerful, and yet they are not truly living as disciples of Christ. Jesus does not place value on the Pharisees’ and scholars’ positions of high authority in society.

These readings remind me of the importance of humbling myself before God. I have no reason to act self-righteous because I attend Sunday Mass and feel that I live as a “good Catholic.” If I were to act in this way I would be just like the Pharisees and scholars who do not “practice what they preach.” Being a Christian means more than just fulfilling all of my obligations and then checking them off my to-do-list. It is a way of life that I constantly strive to strengthen. In my theology class this semester we have discussed the significance of the Holy Spirit in prayer as well as in daily life. I have come to realize that my attitude toward prayer has often been one of trying to fulfill a duty. At the same time I have struggled with trying to find a deeper connection with God. In my struggle, however, I often fail to see that I simply need to remain open to God’s presence rather than trying to do everything alone. The Holy Spirit guides me in my daily life, and I am still trying to realize this fully.

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