Daily Reflection
From a Creighton Student's Perspective

March 23rd, 2008

Kyle Berens

Senior Biology Major, Accepted into KU School of Medicine.
Click here for a photo of and information on this writer.

Be Glad and Rejoice for the Lord has risen!

Just thinking of Easter that is what comes to mind. We have been saved by His sacrifice. We have been healed and strengthened by His example and ministry. We, believers and even non-believers, have been given the greatest sign of God’s presence in this world and in our lives. Do we follow it? Do we truly seek the truth of the unleavened bread we partake in today? The bread which through the power of God truly becomes the Body of Christ! What a beautiful and wonderful mystery of faith!

The second choice for the second reading from 1 Corinthians touched me; “Do you not know that a little yeast leavens all the dough? Clear out the old yeast, so that you may become a fresh batch of dough, inasmuch as you are unleavened.” We should work our hardest to clear out the old feelings of the fear and pain. We should take what we have learned from Lent: our cleansing. Did we clear out the old yeast? Did we clear out the feelings, emotions and actions that make us try to rise above God? Did we succeed in recognizing those habits that are detrimental to our becoming who God wants us to be? I wish I could answer positive to all of these questions but I am not sure if I can yet. What a journey. What this passage says to me is that we need to clear out that old yeast and truly strive to become like Christ in every way. We are a part of the Body of Christ and He is the head. Are we worthy of such a place?

We must become a new person in and with Christ. The greatest part is that salvation is available to all believers through the sacraments! We have so many avenues to become like Christ and truly live His message. I urge all of you and me included to please take advantage of the amazing gifts God has give us through his Son and the Holy Spirit! They are there for our salvation and healing. I know I must always remember that.

I love the first reading which sums up Christ’s ministry here on Earth. It started with Christ who told the 12 apostles to go out and preach to the world. From those 12 we have billions of Christians who believe in Christ’s message. We have survived persecution, oppression and death over the past 2000 years. What this tells me is that nothing can destroy Christ or His message. It will be here no matter what people try to do to it because it is the Truth, pure and simple. I always love thinking about that on Easter. Jesus rose from death and in that moment defeated death. Jesus has given us all new life in Him. Truly Jesus is the Savior of the World! Alleluia! Have a Blessed Easter, May the Lord and His peace be with you!

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