Daily Reflection
From a Creighton Student's Perspective

March 24th, 2008

Chelsea Fischer

Sophomore, Pre-Med, Exercise Science Major
Click here for a photo of and information on this writer.

“Keep me safe, O God; You are my hope”
Psalm 16

This phrase, the response in the Responsorial Psalm today, struck me because of the strength in the request toward God to keep us safe. My prayer often includes something along the lines of a request of God to keep me safe and lead me in the right direction in life. I have faith that God is right there with me throughout my life. To me this does not mean that God is going to protect us from all pain and problems, only that when one thing goes wrong, another good thing will happen that will allow bring joy and a more desirable pathway. An example of this in my life was last year I did not get into a program I was really hoping to get into. I was very upset when I found out that I was not accepted into it, but I allowed God to be my hope and assurance that the program was not meant for me. As it turns out I was much better off not associated with the program and it allowed me much more freedom in my life.

I have faith that God will keep me safe and lead me in the right direction. We should all look to God for strength and with the hope that he will allow what is in our best interests to happen. Do not fear if things do not go as you hoped because God probably has another plan for you!

Matthew’s Gospel conveys many different reactions of different people to the news of Jesus’ resurrection. The followers of Jesus immediately believed what they witnessed and experienced but when the soldiers approached the chief priests, the chief priests did not believe that it was possible that Jesus resurrected and wanted to keep all of it out of the ears of the political rulers. It is interesting to me that the chief priests would immediately state that the body was stolen by the apostles of Jesus. I suppose that the chief priests may have believed that the apostles could have stolen the body to make it seem like he resurrected. Additionally, more than likely the chief priests did not want to have to embrace the fact that this person they just had crucified may have been the Messiah.

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