Daily Reflection
From a Creighton Student's Perspective

November 11th , 2007

Julie Dunning

Senior, Spanish Major, Pre-Physical Therapy Track
Click here for a photo of and information on this writer.

Today’s readings presented somewhat of a challenge for me. They are not some of the common readings that I know well from my 15 years of Catholic education or even ones that I am somewhat acquainted with. But, that is the purpose of reflection: to challenge one’s self to think in newer and deeper ways. That is just what these readings invoked me to do.

In each of the readings a common theme of resurrection is apparent. In the first reading we are told of an overwhelming hope for a better future during hard times and assured that “the King of the world will raise us up to live again forever.” The responsorial psalm was very simple and yet very real reminding us that we can always call upon the Lord and he will listen. “Lord, when your glory appears, my joy will be full.” In the second reading, I was struck by the verses reading, “may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting encouragement and good hope through his grace, encourage your hearts and strengthen them in every good deed and word.” For me, this passage perfectly embodies that which is resurrection: the idea of resurrection as having hope. Resurrection is a hope that is given to us by God, our Father. The Gospel also expands on the idea of resurrection in the story of the seven brothers.

Recently, I participated in a Fall Break Service Trip here in Omaha, Nebraska. For four days and three nights I, and six other college students, immersed ourselves into the life of a homeless individual. We ate and slept in the shelters, spending time talking with the homeless and getting to know them as individuals. A large part of homelessness is addictions. With this being the case, we attended several recovery meetings and support groups through which I learned innumerable things. One thing that really touched me about this was the addicts' reading of the Serenity Prayer at every meeting and gathering.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

This prayer has always held an importance to me. As a child, my parents had it on the mirror in their room. Every time I would enter their room, it was visible. I would frequently read it, coming to better understand the prayer and its importance later in life. Since then, I have come to recite it frequently to myself. I often think of it in the seemingly difficult times to remind myself that there is always hope. I just maybe need help realizing that fact. Perhaps, the individuals whom I came to know on my immersion trip recite it with the same intent. Perhaps it serves as a reminder that there is always hope when our faith is placed in God.

We all need this hope from time to time. It is needed regardless of our background, whether it is taking a hard test, going to a graduate school interview, applying for a new job, solving a personal problem, or something as simple as making it through a rough day. During these times let us recall today’s readings. Let us be mindful of the hope that we find in Christ. (And perhaps recite the Serenity Prayer from time to time!)

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