Daily Reflection
From a Creighton Student's Perspective

November 18th, 2007

Sam Pierre

Junior, Pre Med majoring in Psychology and Spanish
Click here for a photo of and information on this writer.

In today’s Gospel Jesus tells of a day “when there will not be left a stone upon another stone that will not be thrown down.” We can have one of two possible reactions to this statement. The first of which is to become frightened, while the second reaction is to get excited about the implications of Jesus’ words.

Our society tells us to choose the first reaction by growing anxious at the idea of losing all that we know and trust. The people in the temple were admiring the glories of the human creations around them. I find myself praising and putting my trust in worldly creations such as my college education, the stock market, and a well-structured government. If someone told me that these crutches of mine would be taken away one day, it is quite likely that I would become nervous about the very idea.

Upon reading this passage, I get excited for two reasons. First of all, the idea of the impending afterlife makes me ever-so excited to finally be in full communion with God. Jesus’ words remind me of how rewarding it will be to spend all of eternity praising our Lord and directly radiating His love. Secondly, I welcome the idea of being stripped of the crutches I have in the world around me. As He dismantles them stone by stone, God will slowly replace the things in which I place my trust with a trust in Him alone. Despite how difficult it may be for me to let those crutches go, I look forward to a time when I can walk freely with God as my only support.

In this Gospel reading, Jesus encourages us to not be terrified, to trust Him, and to persevere. Even though it is our human tendency to guard ourselves from letting go of these crutches, Jesus warns us “not to prepare [our] defenses beforehand,” because He himself will provide for us at the given time. How very peaceful that thought is!

What a truly amazing God we have that can turn such a frightening thought into one of excitement and promise.

By your perseverance you will secure your lives.

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