Daily Reflection
From a Creighton Student's Perspective

November 26th , 2007

Christine Pivovar

Sophomore, English (creative writing) and French double major

Click here for a photo of and information on this writer.

When the king had spoken with all of them,
none was found equal to Daniel, Hananiah,
Mishael, and Azariah;
and so they entered the king’s service.
In any question of wisdom or prudence which the king put to them,
he found them ten times better
than all the magicians and enchanters in his kingdom.
Daniel 1:19-20

“I tell you truly,
this poor widow put in more than all the rest;
for those others have all made offerings from their surplus wealth,
but she, from her poverty, has offered her whole livelihood.”
Luke 21:3-4

Something I often struggle with as a student is how God fits into my everyday life. It always seems like there is a realm of God that exists in church and during moments focused prayer that is isolated from the world of homework, cafeteria dinners, and spending time with friends.

But I think that today’s readings are encouraging towards finding the truth that God is present and integrated into all those seemingly mundane activities. To borrow a phrase from the speaker Tammy Evevard, they show us how to weave God into the fabric of our daily lives.

In the first reading, Daniel and his fellow Jews secretly eat vegetables instead of breaking the kosher laws, and despite this they become the best of the king’s advisors. We learn that you can serve God and still succeed in the world. Then in the Gospel, the widow makes a more valuable donation because she puts in her whole livelihood. She is someone who dedicates the totality of her life to God.

Daniel and his buddies show that it is quite possible to follow God no matter how secular or earthly a position you find yourself in. As it made them better advisors to the king, staying faithful to God, however you manage to do it, will make you a better person.

To take the Gospel metaphorically, I think the rich man who gave a lot, but only from his surplus, is like us when we give to God only those designated moments of our lives, like Sunday Mass or a weekly hour of adoration. Rather, what we should try to do is imitate the woman. Even if our life mainly involves meeting all our deadlines, reading a good book, or answering emails, we should always remind ourselves to dedicate it all to God. It’s worth it for us, because we are giving from our whole livelihood, and it’s worth it for God because He loves us in everything.

I think the song “You Are My Joy” by the David Crowder Band really hits upon this message. God loves us so much that just by our participating in life and enjoying our blessings—laughing with friends, studying for a test, eating a quesadilla at 11:30 pm—these are God’s joy. We are His joy.

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