Photos from the 35th General Congregation
taken by Fr. Don Doll, S.J. - Creighton University
Magis Productions
Captions in quotations by Fr. Don Doll, S.J.

G.C. 35 in Images
Fr. Kolvenbach submits his resignation and the Congregation accepts it.

The term of the Superior General is "for life." Fr. Kolvenbach, who has been Superior General for 25 years, and is 80 years old, obtained permission from the Holy Father to submit his resignation to this General Congregation.

Fr. Kolvenbach suggested to the Holy Father that the rigors of the job required a man who was younger.

"Fr. Kolvenbach began his talk to the delegates: 'thank you for so graciously firing me!' displaying his wonderful sense of humor."

The Congregation accepted Fr. Kolvenbach's resignation and will now proceed to the process of electing the new Superior General.

"There was an almost 5 minute standing ovation."

[Click on this photo to see a larger image.]

Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, S.J. steps down as Superior General of the Society of Jesus.


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