A Prayer in Time of Trouble
1 Don't punish me, LORD, or even
correct me
when you are angry!
2 Have pity on me and heal my
feeble body.
My bones tremble
with fear,
3 and I am in deep distress.
How long will it
4 Turn and come to my rescue.
Show your wonderful
love and save me, LORD.
5 If I die, I cannot praise you
or even remember you.
6 My groaning has worn me out.
At night my bed and
pillow are soaked with tears.
7 Sorrow has made my eyes dim,
and my sight has failed
because of my enemies.
8 You, LORD, heard my crying,
and those hateful
people had better leave me alone.
9 You have answered my prayer
and my plea for mercy.
10 My enemies will be ashamed and terrified,
as they quickly run
away in complete disgrace.
Psalm 32
The Joy of Forgiveness
1 Our God, you bless everyone
whose sins you forgive
and wipe away.
2 You bless them by saying,
"You told me your
sins, without trying to hide them,
and now I forgive
3 Before I confessed my sins,
my bones felt limp,
and I groaned all
day long.
4 Night and day your hand weighed
heavily on me,
and my strength was
gone as in the summer heat.
5 So I confessed my sins and told
them all to you.
I said, "I'll tell
the LORD each one of my sins."
Then you forgave
me and took away my guilt.
Psalm 38
A Prayer in Times of Trouble
1 When you are angry, LORD, please
don't punish me
or even correct me.
2 You shot me with your arrows,
and you struck me
with your hand.
3 My body hurts all over because
of your anger.
Even my bones are
in pain,
and my sins 4are
so heavy that I am crushed.
5 Because of my foolishness, I
am covered with sores
that stink and spread.
6 My body is twisted and bent,
and I groan all day long.
7 Fever has my back in flames,
and I hurt all over.
8 I am worn out and weak, moaning
and in distress.
9 You, LORD, know every one of
my deepest desires,
and my noisy groans
are no secret to you.
10 My heart is beating fast.
I feel weak all over,
and my eyes are red.
11 Because of my sickness,
no friends or neighbors
will come near me.
12 All who want me dead set traps to catch
and those who want
to harm and destroy me
plan and plot all
13 I am not able to hear or speak a word;
14 I am completely deaf and can't make a sound.
15 I trust you, LORD God, and you will do
16 I said, "Don't let them laugh or brag because
I slip."
17 I am about to collapse from constant pain.
18 I told you my sins, and I am sorry for
19 Many deadly and powerful enemies hate me,
20 and they repay evil for good because I
try to do right.
21 You are the LORD God!
Stay nearby and don't
desert me.
22 You are the one who saves me. Please hurry
and help.
Psalm 51
A Prayer for Forgiveness
1 You are kind, God! Please have
pity on me.
You are always merciful!
Please wipe away my sins.
2 Wash me clean from all of my
sin and guilt.
3 I know about my sins,
and I cannot forget
my terrible guilt.
4 You are really the one I have
sinned against;
I have disobeyed
you and have done wrong.
So it is right and
fair for you
to correct and punish
5 I have sinned and done wrong
since the day I was born.
6 But you want complete honesty,
so teach me true
7 Wash me with hyssopa
until I am clean
and whiter than snow.
8 Let me be happy and joyful!
You crushed my bones,
now let them celebrate.
9 Turn your eyes from my sin and
cover my guilt.
10 Create pure thoughts in me
and make me
faithful again.
11 Don't chase me away from you
or take your Holy
Spirit away from me.
12 Make me as happy as you did when you saved
make me want to obey!
13 I will teach sinners your Law,
and they will return
to you.
14 Keep me from any deadly sin. Only
you can save me!
Then I will
shout and sing about your power to save.
15 Help me to speak, and I will praise you,
16 Offerings and sacrifices are not what you
17 The way to please you
is to feel
sorrow deep in our hearts.
This is the kind
of sacrifice you won't refuse.
18 Please be willing, LORD, to help the city
of Zion
and to rebuild its
19 Then you will be pleased with the proper
and we will offer
bulls on your altar once again.
Psalm 102
A Prayer in Time of Trouble
1 I pray to you, LORD! Please
2 Don't hide from me in my time
of trouble.
Pay attention to
my prayer and quickly give an answer.
3 My days disappear like smoke,
and my bones are
burning as though in a furnace.
4 I am wasting away like grass,
and my appetite is gone.
5 My groaning never stops,
and my bones can
be seen through my skin.
6 I am like a lonely owl in the
7 or a restless sparrow alone
on a roof.
8 My enemies insult me all day,
and they use my name
for a curse word.
9 Instead of food, I have ashes
to eat and tears to drink,
10 because you are furious and have thrown
me aside.
11 My life fades like a shadow at the end
of day
and withers like
12 Our LORD, you are King forever
and will always be
13 You will show pity to Zion because the
time has come.
14 We, your servants, love each stone in the
and we are sad to
see them lying in the dirt.
15 Our LORD, the nations will honor you,
and all kings on
earth will praise your glory.
16 You will rebuild the city of Zion.
Your glory will be
17 and the prayers of the homeless will be
18 Future generations must also praise the
so write this for
19 "From his holy temple,
the LORD looked down
at the earth.
20 He listened to the groans of prisoners,
and he rescued everyone
who was doomed to die."
21 All Jerusalem should praise you, our LORD,
22 when people from every nation meet to worship
23 I should still be strong,
but you, LORD, have
made an old person of me.
24 You will live forever! Years mean nothing
to you.
Don't cut my life
in half!
25 In the beginning, LORD, you laid the earth's
and created the heavens.
26 They will all disappear and wear out like
You change them,
as you would a coat,
but you last forever.
27 You are always the same. Years cannot change
28 Every generation of those who serve you
will live in your
Psalm 130
Trusting the LORD in Times of
1 From a sea of troubles I call
out to you, LORD.
2 Won't you please listen as I
beg for mercy?
3 If you kept record of our sins,
no one could last long.
4 But you forgive us, and so we
will worship you.
5 With all my heart, I am waiting,
LORD, for you!
I trust your promises.
6 I wait for you more eagerly
than a soldier on
guard duty waits for the dawn.
Yes, I wait more
than a soldier on
guard duty waits for the dawn.
7 Israel, trust the LORD! He is
always merciful,
and he has the power
to save you.
8 Israel, the LORD will save you
from all of your sins.
Psalm 143
A Prayer in Time of Danger
1 Listen, LORD, as I pray!
You are faithful
and honest and will answer my prayer.
2 I am your servant. Don't try
me in your court,
because no one is
innocent by your standards.
3 My enemies are chasing me, crushing
me in the ground.
I am in total darkness,
like someone long dead.
4 I have given up all hope, and
I feel numb all over.
5 I remember to think about the
many things
you did in years
gone by.
6 Then I lift my hands in prayer,
because my soul is a desert,
thirsty for water
from you.
7 Please hurry, LORD, and answer
my prayer.
I feel hopeless.
Don't turn away and
leave me here to die.
8 Each morning let me learn more
about your love
because I trust you.
I come to you in
prayer, asking for your guidance.
9 Please rescue me from my enemies,
I come to you for
10 You are my God. Show me what you want me
to do,
and let your gentle
Spirit lead me in the right path.
11 Be true to your name, LORD, and keep my
life safe.
Use your saving power
to protect me from trouble.
12 I am your servant.
Show how much you
love me by destroying my enemies.